
Protect your business property from slip and falls

小企业主/房东可以做些什么来帮助防止滑倒, trips and falls and what to do if they happen.

As a property owner or landlord, 你想为家人维持一个安全的家或生意, friends, employees and tenants. 减少发生滑倒事故的可能性, 你可能需要考虑以下安全提示:


  • Maintain adequate lighting around your business, in parking areas, 在人行道和楼梯上,让顾客更安全. 商业LED灯通常被推荐给企业,以提供额外的安全效益.
  • Ensure gutters and downspouts 不要把水排入人行道或停车场. 水和水坑很容易导致滑倒,如果温度降到冰点以下,就会结冰.
  • Quickly clean up any spills around your business. 定期对业务工作区域进行详细检查. 这包括内部和外部快速识别潜在的危险. Post warning signs to alert employees, customers and guests about the hazard, while repairs or clean-up efforts are made.
  • 修理或更换撕裂的地毯、地毯、松动或缺失的地砖或任何其他地板材料.
  • Have a removal plan for snow and ice 人行道、楼梯、停车场和垃圾箱周围.
  • Always repair potholes or uneven surfaces in driveways and parking lots.

Safety tips for stairways, steps and ramps

  • 按照当地建筑规范在楼梯和坡道上安装扶手.
  • Ensure handrails are stable and securely fastened.
  • 考虑在楼梯上使用防滑表面,比如地毯.

Walkways and lawn areas

  • 修补凹凸不平的路面、人行道上的大裂缝或凸起.
  • 清除人行道上的障碍物,如梯子和其他维修设备.
  • If there is a lawn sprinkler system, 当温度接近冰点时,将其关闭并排出系统. 如果你不这样做,管道可能会冻结,造成泄漏和结冰.

Other important safety tips

  • 只要有可能,一定要有经理值班.
  • Post emergency phone numbers.
  • Keep emergency kits handy and stocked .
  • 调查并记录事件,包括涉及的人员、日期和情况. Management should review all incident reports.
  • 选择足够的pp王者电子官网,以防意外发生.
  • 为员工提供滑倒安全培训.
  • Have an accident prevention plan in place.

What to do if a customer is injured

  • 首先,如果客户的伤害需要这样做,请为其寻求医疗救助. 允许医疗和急救人员照顾伤者.
  • Gather important information, 比如坠楼者的姓名和联系电话. 同时,收集其他细节,比如事件发生的时间和地点. 如果可能的话,拍下事发地点的照片.
  • 如果您和/或遭受事故的人确定需要索赔, promptly contact your insurance company. 按照他们的流程准确、及时地记录索赔.

Talk with a State Farm® agent today to learn more loss control tips for your business and Small Business Insurance.

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