Sump pump drainage system.

Water in the basement

通过检查下水道来减少地下室下水道或排水管的损失, installing a sump pump and reducing backflow.

没有人想在家里经历污水备份. 想想地下室里的水会造成多大的破坏, 在灾难发生之前,花些时间测试排水系统并解决任何问题是有意义的.


Test your drainage system

A few hours of work could help you avoid a wet basement. Review this drainage checklist to help get you started:

  • 你家的排水沟的落水管应该从房子的基础延伸至少10英尺,这样水就可以从地下室的墙壁上带走.
  • Clear your gutters 每年至少两次,以防止它们溢出. 树叶和碎片会堵塞排水沟,可能会把水送回屋顶、墙壁或地基上.
  • 排水沟和落水管不应该连接到城市污水管道.
  • 你的院子应该有坡度,远离房子,这样地表水就不会聚集在地基上.
  • 如果你的排水沟连接到雨水下水道,保持排水管道畅通.

Consider sump pumps

Sump pumps help remove water from a reservoir in your home.

There are several types of sump pumps, including single sump pumps and dual-level systems, which employ a backup pump. Usually, 在停电的情况下,可以使用电池或发电机为备用水泵供电. 备份通常需要每7到10年更换一次.

If you'd like to get a sump pump for your home, 向当地的管道承包商或建筑规范官员咨询额外的要求.

Prevent backflow

回流是任何管道系统中水的回流. It can lead to undesirable basement leaking and flooding.

一些家庭配备了止回阀装置,允许水和污水从排水管流出, 防止水和污水倒流到排水管. 闸阀装置的工作原理类似于闸门,关闭和切断水流和污水.

排水塞和立管也可以用来防止回流. 两者都是相对廉价的解决方案,但也有其自身的风险. 排水塞密封了水流,但可能导致系统的下一个开口发生溢流. Standpipes, or vertical pipes connected and sealed to a drain, can contain minor overflows and act as safety valves, but can only contain backflow up to their height, usually just three feet.


Help keep water out of the basement

Here are some ways to help prevent water seepage:

  • 防水的地下室墙壁,内外饰面.
  • Apply concrete coatings and sealers, 在内墙涂上防水涂料或塑料板,防止冷凝水.
  • Apply caulk or cement to cracks in the foundation.
  • 在你的房子周围增加土壤,把水从你的房子里排出去. 随着时间的推移,污垢沉淀下来,水会直接流入你的地下室.
  • 更换过时的热水器和磨损的管道,以帮助避免污染 flooded basement.

Additional precautions

有时即使你采取了预防措施,水还是会进来. 这里有一些你可以做的事情来帮助减少损失:

  • Keep items that are stored in the basement on shelving units or off the floor. 
  • 考虑用坚固的塑料容器代替纸板箱来储存.
  • 将家具放在脚轮或垫片上,并远离地漏.
  • Consider installing water leak detection systems 在你的家里,这样你就可以在漏水发生时尽快解决. 

Check with your local building code department, 向自来水公司或合格的水管工咨询更多信息,以帮助减少水对房屋造成损害的机会. And talk to your local insurance agent 看看备用下水道和排水覆盖是否由你的 homeowners policy.

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