

你可以有预算,但仍然可以过你想过的生活. 预算是减少不必要债务的一种简单而可靠的方法, 达到财务目标, living a healthier financial lifestyle and maintaining true financial wellness.




Creating a budget can help you control spending habits and make your money work for you. 预算促进金融稳定. 他们可以帮助你:

  • 养成健康的消费习惯.
  • 为紧急情况做好准备.
  • 建立信用评分.
  • 为房子或汽车等大件物品存钱.
  • 为自己舒适的退休生活做准备.

Budgets are key to living your best life for both day-to-day and into the future.


既然你知道了什么是预算,下一步就是制定预算. 但首先你要确认你的 财务目标 帮助指导您创建适合您需求的预算. 使用这个 预算编制指南 看看你赚了多少钱,需要花多少钱. 剩下的可以用来帮助你实现你的愿望.

如果你想知道从哪里开始,那就是长期目标. Sit yourself down and ask serious questions about the future and be conscious of w在这里 your mind goes – be specific and honest with yourself. 如果你在这个目标上有困难,那就去看看 财务目标设定 更多关于清晰地看到你的长期财务目标的建议.

然后把这个目标分解成一个个可行的小目标. 设定过高的标准会让人失去动力和泄气. When organizing your small goals, "SMART" is a helpful acronym to use as you get organized:

  • 具体的 -明确的目标是明确定义或确定的事情.
  • 可衡量的 -可测量的目标可以量化.
  • 可以实现的 - 可达到的目标是有可能实现的.
  • 现实的 现实的目标是你或他人都能达到的目标.
  • 时间约束 有时间限制的目标有最后期限.

一旦你实现了你的目标——告诉你的朋友, 如果你喜欢的话,把它写下来或者制作一个愿景板. 尽一切努力不断提醒自己大局. Once your intentions are clear, it's easier to build a budget that fits your 需要s and the 50/30/20预算规则 是一种简单的开始方式吗.

Before you know it, you'll be well on your way to a brand-new path of good saving habits.



  • 固定 -不经常变化的金额(租金、抵押贷款或汽车付款)
  • 变量 -可能因购买或使用(食物、汽油和个人护理)而发生变化
  • Non-monthly -可能出现的意外开支(紧急情况、礼物或旅行)

Income - fixed expenses - variable expenses - non-monthly expenses = money for goals

非每月开支和应急基金是明智预算的一部分. 每一个都需要有意识的努力和计划. 应急资金 help you stay away from using a credit card and eliminate the 需要 to drain money from other savings goals when unexpected events hit. They help you keep enough cash on hand to cover deductibles or minor incidents. For emergency funds: try to save six to nine months of funds to cover any essential expenses. 把它当作你预算的pp王者电子官网!


  • 资金流入.
  • 资金外流.

If more money is going out than coming in, see if t在这里 are places w在这里 you can cut back a little. 但是,在改变你的预算或消费习惯时,不要从0到60. 你更有可能通过采取小步骤来改变而成功.


You've got a solid base to build from, now let's talk about organizing that budget.


  • 创建费用桶 -整理你的帐户,然后为每项费用分配一个帐户.
  • 分配给多个帐户 - You can use automatic transfers between multiple accounts to allocate your money to separate expenses and goals.
  • 注意消费习惯 - 汽车mate expenses that are more routine to help you reinforce and protect good spending habits.
  • 设置自动传输 - 汽车matic transfers between multiple accounts can help you separate your various expenses to help make sure you don't miss payments.
  • 不要把坏习惯自动化
  • 为你的账户注资 -在使用自动化时,确保你的账户里有钱.
  • 设置提醒 - 设置提醒 and check-in regularly to make sure the multiple account system works for you.


Whether you want to spend it all, save it all or something in between, make sure it's on purpose. Having a plan in place for the money before it's in your account can help you resist the urge to spend it before you have it or overspend it. 钱很快就会消失, 尤其是当你没有记录钱花在何时何地的时候.

无论你是使用应用程序、电脑还是纸笔,选择一个 适合你的预算系统. 从记录你花钱的地方开始. 仔细观察 不协调的支出. 通常,你会在可变费用中找到这些. A spending snapshot will give you a starting place to build a personalized and realistic budget that you will be more likely to stick to.

When you know w在这里 your money goes, you can uncover w在这里 you can make cuts to your spending.

  • 列出你过去3个月的所有开支,然后平均一下 - If you list all your expenses (then categorize and average them) you will get a ton of insight on the best place to start to make changes to your spending. 通常, 更详细的日常开支是我们能影响最大的, 而且是最快的. 这就是为什么跟踪你的消费细节是很重要的.
  • 确定支出是否符合你的优先事项 - 简单地说,你的支出应该反映出你生活中的优先事项.
  • 每周告诉你信任的人你想改变的一件事 - Excuses may not be as easy to come by when a friend, partner or parent is on your side. 告诉他们你的目标,并让他们跟进你的目标. 这可能会让一些消费感觉不那么像 需要 当你期待着向别人(不是你自己)解释原因时.



When the money you allotted for the week is gone, you're done spending for the week. This can help you be more selective during the week when choosing to spend at events, 出去吃饭或者喝杯咖啡——你能想到的. 特别是如果你周末可能会花更多的钱, it can be helpful to get an idea of how much you will have left over throughout the week.


一个月你能变成多少天 没有花费的日子? Keeping track of your progress can help you see how well you're doing and keep you motivated. 当然,有些时候不花钱是不可能的,这也没关系.


小镇上的夜晚? 街道节日? 周末? 只带你分配给这个场合的现金. 避免意外(或冲动)购买.

拼车对. solo-ridesharing

随意组合 提供选项! 有多余的时间? 拼车vs. 独自旅行. 你会 节省一些钱 也许还会生一些新芽.


开始为你的未来储蓄和计划吧. Here are just a few options to think about when it comes to your savings plan:


列出你所有的债务,利率和余额. 然后, 优先考虑你的回报策略, 要么先关注你的最高利率,要么先关注最低余额. When you pay off one debt, roll the amount you were paying in to the next one.


有兴趣开始兼职或追求新的商业机会? You can invest in your future by upgrading your laptop or taking that accelerated skill course. 通过制定一个让你感觉良好的计划来享受你的血汗钱. 而大多数谨慎的储蓄者会平衡支出和储蓄, remember it's all about putting your money toward what's most important to you.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, 我们不保证信息的准确性或可靠性. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. 这些建议并不是所有控制损失措施的完整清单. 州立农场不保证使用这些信息的结果.

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Get ahead and learn how to improve financial wellness through simple spending, 储蓄和预算小贴士.


Having extra cash in an emergency fund comes in handy when life throws you something unexpected.

