Woman looking at smartphone and accessing her files stored in the cloud.


云计算具有独特的网络安全风险. 阅读更多关于云的内容, 云计算提供商, 安全的云和强密码.

什么是云存储? The "cloud," aka cloud computing or cloud storage, is essentially the internet for storage. It's a network of remote servers that can house your data such as images, 文档, emails and music on storage devices located in a remote data center. The advantage of storing your information in the cloud is that you can access the information from anyw在这里 you have an internet connection at any time of day. Most cloud services can be accessed through your Web browser like Chrome, 边缘, Safari或通过云服务提供的移动应用程序.


  • 云数据的物理位置在哪里? 云是通过互联网提供的 在您的个人电脑或设备上. Your information is stored on remote servers located somew在这里 in the country or even the world.
  • “云”这个词从何而来? 在绘制图表和流程图时, the internet is depicted with a symbol that resembles a cumulus cloud. Since the internet is utilized to access the data, the term stuck.
  • 云存储是如何工作的? 云计算允许你在任何地方访问你的内容, 从任何设备, at any time providing an internet connection is available using a web browser or application.
  • 谁控制着云? 目前,还没有管理云的机构. The terms and conditions for its usage are determined by the cloud provider.
  • 您应该在云提供商那里寻找什么?
    • 在网上搜索对该公司的投诉.
    • 审查提供商的安全系统和隐私政策.
    • 检查提供商是否定期备份数据.
    • 确保提供商加密您的数据. Look for the "s" after "http" in the web address to know whether data is encrypted.
    • Look into whether the provider shares your information with third parties. Review the provider's privacy policy — often accessible through a link from the site — to learn more.
    • Check that the provider alerts users to changes made to its policies. While cloud computing is fairly reliable, it can be unavailable due to 计划中断或崩溃 哪个能让它慢下来.


顶级个人云服务提供商 个人电脑杂志,如下所列. 在审查提供者时, verify that they offer services to accommodate all the content you would like to store along with top security features. 当需要时,额外的存储通常是收费的.

  • 微软OneDrive
  • iDrive
  • 谷歌驱动
  • Dropbox
  • SpiderOak One备份
  • 框(个人)
  • Apple iCloud Drive


The following tips can help make sure your information is more safe and secure against possible cloud storage security risks.

  • 使用强密码. 创建强密码对于网络安全至关重要. Use at least eight characters, mixing in symbols, numbers, and uppercase and lowercase letters.
  • 创建唯一登录. Create unique login information for each of your online accounts.
  • 更改密码. 定期更换密码.
  • 不要分享信息. 永远不要分享您的帐户登录信息.
  • 使用双因素身份验证. These require users to sign in with a username and password plus a verification code that's typically sent through a text message or displayed through an application on your device.
  • 考虑使用密码管理器. You may consider keeping track of passwords with a password manager. 可作为桌面程序或应用程序, 此工具在本地安全地存储密码, 有些甚至会为你生成唯一的密码.


就像 保护您的家庭网络 还有黑客和数据泄露的电脑, you should do what you can to alleviate cloud storage security risks by considering the following items when using a cloud service.

  • 备份数据. 总是备份你存储在云中的数据. If you can不 access the internet, you will 不 be able to retrieve your cloud data.
  • 保持更新. Update your operating system and/or web browser often to take advantage of security patches and updates.
  • 使用防病毒和恶意软件程序. 投资防病毒和恶意软件程序. 也要保持这些信息的更新.
  • 使用自定义隐私设置. 如果可能的话, customize privacy settings so you control who can view your information and what information they have access to.
  • 仔细决定在网上放什么. 限制你在网上分享的信息量. 保持个人信息的私密性.
  • 多个邮件恢复帐户. Avoid directing all password recovery messages to a single address — a practice known as "daisy-chaining". A hacker who gets hold of your email login could gain access to all of your accounts.
  • 网上银行安全.网上银行 use a carefully selected password and avoid accessing your bank information from public computers.

了解更多 更安全使用电脑的贴士 来自国家网络安全联盟,该联盟也赞助 网络安全意识月 10月. 州立农场也提供 身份恢复pp王者电子官网 让恢复过程更容易, faster and less expensive if you are the victim of a data breach or identity theft.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources 不 associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do 不 warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, 或影响任何适用pp王者电子官网单的承保范围. These suggestions are 不 a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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